Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Sexuality and Religion Series - a call for submissions

When I had that wondrous day last week during which I turned on my computer to find that the publicity from Friendly Atheist meant I had a full email inbox of submissions, I noticed something: many of the submissions I received were about how religion has affected the author's experience of their sexuality.

As this has proven to be such a popular topic, and one it's clear a lot of you want to address, I've decided to dedicate the week starting next Monday to articles about Religion and Sexuality. I'll post all the articles on that topic I have received, including my own, along with any others I receive before the end of that week. 

So this is a call for submissions. If you have something you want to say about religion and sexuality, this is your chance. Just send your article, poem, creative writing piece or artwork to 

If you're feeling unsure about whether you want to send me something, here is a puppy with a sad face to guilt you into it. 

See, now you have to do it. 

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